Since Donald Trump won the presidential election, there’s been considerable fear and anxiety among many people who are immigrants to this country based on some of the promises and rhetoric that came out of the Trump campaign. While much of that talk around immigrants...
Experienced. Skilled. Compassionate.
Family-Based Immigration
Marriage fraud in the United States
Marriage is a sacred institution that binds two individuals together to create a marital relationship. People commit marriage fraud, a crime in the United States, for various reasons. To combat and avoid marriage fraud in the United States, it is important to know its...
What children are eligible for a Family Preference visa?
Many people who lawfully enter the United States do so through as a result of their family relationships. Family-based immigration allows people to support loved ones including spouses, fiancés and parents who would like to live in the United States. There are many...
3 common types of immigration violations
Trying to build a life in a new country comes with many challenges. With deportation on the rise, many immigrants must deal with another layer of stress. One way to minimize risks and work toward becoming a U.S. citizen involves knowing and avoiding the three common...
What people should know about immigration bonds
Immigration and Customs Enforcement reported that in 2020 alone, they arrested 103,603 people for not following immigration laws. Many of the people they arrest are not able to see their families for weeks or months. This is where immigration bonds come into play....
When you might need DNA testing to bring your child to the U.S.
Many of us – even here in Minnesota – don’t have “traditional” families. In fact, it can be argued that there is no such thing as a traditional family as it was thought of even fifty or sixty years ago. When you’re trying to bring someone to the U.S. as a family...
Helping your family enter the U.S. when you have a green card
People can enter the country for many purposes, but many immigrants gain entry to the United States of America based on their family relationships. There are numerous different immigration programs that benefit people in different situations. United States citizens...